Dishwalla Lyrics

Lyrics » dishwalla

Album Opaline - 2002.

Angels or devils
this is the last time  that I'm ever gonna come here tonight  this is the last time - I wi...
Today, tonight
waiting for a train to catch  waiting for the perfect match  waiting for someone to make a...
on Vineland past the candle shrine that burns on every night  for someone  she lets hersel...
I'm so sick and tired  of all these things  that drag me down  I've got no where to g...
Somewhere in the middle
I was out the other day  and I saw you in your big black car  and I was waving as you were...
When morning comes
feel the burn  feel the demons come to mix  fill the street with madness - don't  lay...
Every little thing
Let me in  to see you in the morning light  to get me on and all along the tears they come...
Drawn out
so the lines are lost  on the smallest details  of the life that we tossed  pushed ou...
summer dies here and so could I somewhere underneath  where the ground is made of stars and eve...
Mad life
sweet life I know  how we give it all  hold me up  hold me up into the sun and watch ...
Nashville skyline
Don't go on  looking for the love  in the illusion of it all  the answers in the drea...

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