CHAOS WITHIN - 1349 Lyrics


Lyrics » 1349 » chaos within


Your throats are empty and your words are shallowYou are too weak to understand that the time for revenge has comeI ll see your sufferingit is infernalI will show you your faultsI will pound you till you fallYour weakness enslaves youbinds you to your primitive thoughtsKneelas a slave before a masterfor you the pain has just begunYou disgust me with your base existenceYou re just apathetic excusenot what they call: a manYou re just a soul in a human shellnot a soul with a true existenceI ll liberate you from this cage of fleshNow is the time to fucking dieDie like a pigdie like a cowardDie like a mindless shellDie like the rest!I close my eyesfocus my aggressionFocus my willreaching out with tendrils of hateMy mind s eyeburns your soulSears your fleshcaress you with deadly rageI open my eyesyour corpse still burnsNo match for my fiery hate!Aggression abating as you wither:

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